Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hardest Day Ever!

Today was our last Sunday in the Gent branch. I almost didn't want to go. I didn't want to say good-bye to the good friends we have made over the last year and a half. After church we mingled together for longer than usual and gave hugs and kisses good-bye. My heart had a familiar ache--like when we left Idaho back in 2007. I realized it was homesickness.

What a tribute to our Belgian friends who helped us feel welcome here. Except they did more than that. They helped us survive! When things were at their worst, we would go to church and feel safe. We would feel their strength and support which helped us through another difficult week, until we could see them again. Then came the time when we were adjusted and grateful that the culture shock was over. We were able to work together in our church callings and assignments. We grew such strong bonds of friendship and love through home and visiting teaching and serving in presidencies. The young women and young men were so fun! So positive! So enthusiastic!We enjoyed our life when we were doing things with the branch. Life outside of church remained difficult--the childrens' school work, Eric's job, normal tasks that should have been simple, but weren't. As I thought back over the last year or so, I could see how everything we went through was worth it. We were given a gift from Heavenly Father. I am so grateful we were able to come to this part of the Lord's vineyard. We have made dear friends that will always hold a place in our hearts! We know why we came here now. And we know that Heavenly Father is guiding us through the next part of our lives. We feel at peace. And we feel like we are leaving home, again.