Monday, December 15, 2008

Handbasket Anyone?

This last week reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw a couple of years ago that said, "Where am I going and why am I in this _ _ _ handbasket?"

First, Tyler came home from school and said they had watched a movie in class he thought was rated R. Sure enough. I looked it up on Google and it was.

Then to celebrate Caleb's 5th birthday, we bought some fancy drinks. We looked carefully at the ingredients to make sure there was no alcohol. They were right next to the kid drinks--on a whole separate aisle than the wine, so it looked safe. We poured everyone glasses and some of us tasted it and thought it tasted a little funny. That's when Eric noticed down at the bottom of the bottle--5% Vol. I guess that means there's alcohol.

So, even though we try to be good parents, I sometimes feel like we are in that _ _ _ handbasket!


mindy said...

ah, life in Europe. They sure don't make it easy, do they? I had some of those experiences while I was there, too. Once was trying to get just warm punch at a Christmas market--we learned you have to ask for "kinder" punch.